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12 September 20114 Comments by Jon M

All about Virgin’s Simply 8p Tariff

Earlier this year, Virgin Mobile introduced a brand new PAYG tariff alongside their existing Addict Tariff. It’s called the Simply 8p Tariff and – simply – calls, texts and voicemail all cost just 8p (geddit?) We found it such a refreshing change from their reputation as the most overpriced virtual network that we thought we’d look at it in a little more detail. First, the run down:

Simply 8p Tariff

Calls: 8pTexts: 8p Data: 50p/day (25MB)MMS: 30p0800: 31p0870: 31p

As you can see, all the charges are pretty reasonable, especially compared to the Addict Tariff on Virgin Mobile. In fact, calls are now a massive 70% cheaper and texts are 20% cheaper. You even save money on premium rate numbers. The only disadvantage is that you don’t get top-up bonuses so it’s best for people who aren’t high-volume users and rarely top-up.

To see how much you would save compared to on the Addict Tariff, imagine someone who makes 60 minutes of calls and sends 50 texts a month. On the Addict Tariff this would cost you £15.60 (you get unlimited texts with your top-up). However, if you were on the Simply 8p Tariff it would only be £8.80 which is almost a 45% saving. Do remember that other networks are still much much cheaper such as Giffgaff, ASDA Mobile, TalkMobile and others.

As for the other charges, voicemail is only 8p per minute (a saving of 70%) and you get 50 free minutes per month of calls to other Virgin Mobiles. What’s more, you can still get Blackberry passes for just £2 a week or £5 a month.

If you’re on Virgin Mobile and want to switch to the Simply 8p Tariff, simply send a text to 789050 saying “SIMPLY8p” and you’ll be moved over automatically. Bear in mind that it’s only available to current Virgin Media customers though. Please let us know if you’ve done this or plan to.

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