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24 April 20121 Comment by Jon M

Lycamobile threatened with dissolution

LycaMobile have been revealed to have paid absolutely no corporation tax at all the last three years. Even though they generated a turnover of almost £150 million in the years between 2008 and 2010, they have yet to pay HMRC any tax at all.

Bringing the company into even more disrepute, LycaMobile donated £136,000 Conservative party in the current quarter and another £40,000 in the quarter before that. So, even though they claim not be making any profit at all, they have enough spare cash around give to the big business-friendly, average man-hating Tories. In fact, they’re one of the Cameron’s biggest donors.

John Mann, the Labour MP who has campaigned for greater scrutiny of party funding, said:

If the company can afford to give to the Tories, they can afford to pay British taxes. Maybe the Tories should consider giving money to the Inland Revenue.

The company is based in London and was founded by Subaskaran Allirajah who also runs Lycatel which sells international calling cards, an even more lucrative business. He said that LycaMobile have yet to make any business profits which is why they haven’t paid any tax. However, there were ready been in trouble with the Advertising Standards Authority for misleading adverts about international call prices and the company has been threatened with being dissolved by Companies House because of the severely delayed filing of accounts this year.


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