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21 September 20120 Comments by Jon M

Apple Maps – Epic Fail!

One of the main selling points of the the new iPhone 5 is the updated operating system. iOS is claimed by Apple to have 200+ new features one of the main highly-publicised ones being the new Maps app. The iPhone 5 launch keynote bigged up the Maps app and Scott Forstall showed it off. While it’s commendable that Apple have finally caught up and offered free turn-by-turn navigation, there are many problems with it.

Compared to Google Maps

It’s not just that it doesn’t match up to its predecessor, Google Maps. It falls far behind. “No problem”, you may be thinking, I’ll just use Google Maps instead – one problem with that. Apple, in their infinite wisdom, decided to remove Google Maps to replace it with their app. The big issue with taking the choice away from users in this unilateral way is just how defective Apple iOS 6 Maps is in comparison. Check out these screenshots for example:

Firstly, notice how poor the level of details is compared to Google Maps.

Next, check out the limited live traffic capability.

Even the satellite imagery is really poor resolution. Not going to look good on the new 4″ screen.

These may not be huge issues but you’ll almost certainly find yourself wishing for Google Maps back again or even delaying your upgrade to iOS 6 to keep it. Especially if you miss Street View which Apple don’t even have a version of. Or public transport directions.

Glitches and errors

But that’s not it. Since iOS 6 got released, people have been finding numerous glitches and errors on Apple’s maps. These range from minor niggles like mistakes in satellite imagery stitching, mislabelled areas, extra petrol stations and places listed in the wrong location. For example, Paddington railway station doesn’t exist, Old Trafford in in Sale not Manchester, the birthplace of Shakespeare doesn’t exist, Dublin zoo is in London and a park has been redesignated as an airport. Not only are these errors inconvenient but, in many cases, they’re potentially dangerous.

Check out some of our favourite F-ups:

What do you think? Have you tried the new Apple Maps yet? Are you going to try using it or are you going to stick with Google Maps? And do you think Apple’s app will ever catch with to Google’s?

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