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07 August 20120 Comments by Jon M

A look back at saving on the Samsung Galaxy SIII

A couple of months ago we published an in-depth post about how to save money buying a new Samsung Galaxy SIII. Over that time, it’s proved to be one of our most popular posts as hopefully has helped people save a packet on their new phones.

Even though it’s been out for some time now, the Samsung Galaxy SIII is still one of our favourite phones on the market. In fact, many would still claim that it’s far and away the best handset money can buy. These days, smartphones do more and more – they are so useful in so many ways people don’t mind paying a lot to get the best thing available.

But just because you want a hotshot smartphone like the Samsung Galaxy SIII, doesn’t mean you should be prepared to get ripped off or pay any more than you need to. The offers and deals in our post are still valid today. And the most important information – the key to getting the best prices available – is still exactly the same as it was. So if you’re looking to get a new Samsung Galaxy SIII (or indeed any new phone), make sure you check out our guide to getting the best deals (especially the total cost of ownership section) before you hand over any of your hand earned dough 🙂

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