Despite Apple’s renewed efforts to create the strongest and sturdiest build yet for the iPhone 5, it still doesn’t like being fumbled around, and one unlucky drop could end your iPhone 5’s life for good. Luckily, there are plenty of cases on the market, and whilst some are better than others, there’s really only a handful that can guarantee your iPhone will be safe in the most extreme conditions. If you’re looking for a real tough case that can treat your iPhone how it deserves, read on below to find out what we rank as the 5 toughest iPhone cases available today.
Was £39.99 Now only £22.50

Case Mate has been in the game for a while now, and although they cover cases for various needs, they are still trying hard to show off something that can take a beating at the top of their range with the new Tough Xtreme.
Case Mate have previously gone with some interesting design ideas for older generation iPhones, but this time round the accessory manufacturer have kept things simple.
The case is a tight fit, but it’s justified by the three layers of protection that are offered from the case; the first layer covers the iPhone in a soft shock absorbing interior, whilst the middle layer is of a hard material capable of taking most of the brute force thrown at it, whilst the top layer is a softer one, making it not only comfortable to hold,but also quite a good looker too.
The edges have been cut into to help with grip, and whilst button accessibility is a little less smooth than without the case, it does warrant the holder the reassurance of avoiding any accidental button presses whilst holding the phone in the hand or pocket. Overall, the case could be a little less stiff, but the case itself is stylish, and allows owners to keep a bit more convenience over other cases thanks to its thinner build.
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Was £39.99 Now only £28.50

The Ballistic Hardcore case is a step up from the Case Mate, and although it lacks the well-known branding of other cases, it still carries a name that backs up the protection it can serve to your iPhone 5.
There are multiple layers of protection on the Hardcore case, all of which have enough shock absorbing qualities to keep you from damaging your iPhone 5 when dropped.
The case feels a lot bulkier than the Case Mate and despite the awesome grip that this case grants you, the rigid design can make it a little less comfortable to hold. However, the extra bumper size ensures that you don’t damage the screen when dropped at any odd angles, and when put together properly, we doubt the iPhone 5 will even feel the impact from most average drops to the ground.
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Only £18.40

Otterbox has been in the game long enough to what works, and once again the Otterbox Defender manages to outperform many other tough cases in terms of protectiveness, thanks to the research gone into the case.
A nice feature on the Otterbox Defender is the built in screen protector that manages to keep the screen clean whilst the rest of the case keeps the handset from getting damaged. Previous models have had a few problems with this protector, but we’re glad to find that the Otterbox Defender for the iPhone 5 has resolved previous issues found on earlier generations.
The case itself also manages to absorb a huge amount of impact thanks to its polycarbonate design, which has also been paired with another layer of shock absorbing material.
The Otterbox Defender manages to offer a solid amount of protection whilst still giving users the full functionality of the phone, and whilst other casesmanage to give even more protection at the loss of some functionality of the phone, the Defender sure has enough protection for practical use.
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Was £119.95 Now only £93.91

The LUNITAK TakTik Extreme is a case that has popped up and has slowly started picking fights against the big names like Otterbox, Case Mate and Griffin, and despite the great protection offered from the Otterbox Defender, it still stands out as a case that gives a lot more protection than the popular Defender.
When set up, the LUNATIK TakTik offers full accessibility to all ports, and the buttons (although with a bit more pressure) can still be pressed, however, the case manages to hold up a decent water resistance, meaning any spilt drinks onto the phone should not be a worry.
On top of this, the multiple layers found within the TakTik give it a huge amount of shock absorption, making the iPhone safe as sound within the case.
It is a lot bulkier than the Otterbox Defender, and although there are some thick cutouts, these surprisingly do not affect the call quality, and the speakers sound as good as they would without the case.
The downsidesare that the case needs to be held together with six screws, meaning that although its super sturdy, it’s not going to be a quick job getting it back out again, and on top of this, the price isn’t pretty. That being said, the TakTik is by far the sturdiest case you can buy right now, and the premium price is there for those who need protection in extreme conditions. If you’re serious about protecting your £500+ phone, this is hard to argue with.
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Was £34.99 Now only £13.99

The Griffin Survivor case is not as sturdy as the TakTik, but it easily manages to land in second place. It’s multiple layers manage to keep it safe from dirt, dust, sand, rain, and of course big falls and drops.
It’s hard to say whether the impact protection offered by the Griffin Survivor is better than that of the Otterbox Defender without running a car over themboth; however, the case manages to hold together very well whilst retaining a very decent price.
The downside is that you may find yourself with less responsive buttons and screen, and you won’t be able to use your back camera as this is covered with the back case protection and a case stand/clip.
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